Daily / Monthly Weather History From This Station

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Daily Report for the month of July 2024

1 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.4°C
Average humidity 86%
Average dewpoint 25.8°C
Average barometer 1007.8 hPa
Average windspeed 2.6 km/h
Average gustspeed 5.9 km/h
Average direction 185° (S)
Rainfall for month 0.6 mm
Rainfall for year 465.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.6 mm on 01 at 17:09
Maximum temperature 33.8°C on 01 at 15:05
Minimum temperature 26.0°C on 01 at 00:00
Maximum humidity 92% on 01 at 06:01
Minimum humidity 70% on 01 at 15:04
Maximum pressure 1009.4 hPa on 01 at 07:05
Minimum pressure 1004.2 hPa on 01 at 16:09
Maximum windspeed 15.2 km/h on 01 at 14:07
Maximum gust speed 40.7 km/h from 210°(SSW) on 01 at 13:04
Maximum heat index 46.6°C on 01 at 15:05

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2 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.6°C
Average humidity 82%
Average dewpoint 25.1°C
Average barometer 1008.0 hPa
Average windspeed 4.1 km/h
Average gustspeed 8.9 km/h
Average direction 29° (NNE)
Rainfall for month 23.7 mm
Rainfall for year 488.7 mm
Maximum rain per minute 5.1 mm on 02 at 18:01
Maximum temperature 33.8°C on 02 at 10:05
Minimum temperature 25.1°C on 02 at 20:03
Maximum humidity 92% on 02 at 14:03
Minimum humidity 68% on 02 at 10:05
Maximum pressure 1010.9 hPa on 02 at 21:00
Minimum pressure 1006.1 hPa on 02 at 13:05
Maximum windspeed 12.4 km/h on 02 at 15:00
Maximum gust speed 37.0 km/h from 047°(NE) on 02 at 12:06
Maximum heat index 46.9°C on 02 at 11:10

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3 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 30.1°C
Average humidity 78%
Average dewpoint 25.8°C
Average barometer 1010.2 hPa
Average windspeed 5.5 km/h
Average gustspeed 11.6 km/h
Average direction 46° (NE)
Rainfall for month 23.7 mm
Rainfall for year 488.7 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.3 mm on 03 at 03:08
Maximum temperature 35.9°C on 03 at 14:10
Minimum temperature 26.2°C on 03 at 19:04
Maximum humidity 91% on 03 at 05:00
Minimum humidity 60% on 03 at 15:01
Maximum pressure 1012.4 hPa on 03 at 22:06
Minimum pressure 1008.5 hPa on 03 at 15:03
Maximum windspeed 17.9 km/h on 03 at 16:11
Maximum gust speed 48.1 km/h from 056°(ENE) on 03 at 16:07
Maximum heat index 48.9°C on 03 at 13:08

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4 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 29.2°C
Average humidity 81%
Average dewpoint 25.5°C
Average barometer 1009.9 hPa
Average windspeed 6.1 km/h
Average gustspeed 11.9 km/h
Average direction 202° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 24.3 mm
Rainfall for year 489.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.3 mm on 04 at 18:08
Maximum temperature 34.2°C on 04 at 11:03
Minimum temperature 25.7°C on 04 at 10:09
Maximum humidity 88% on 04 at 07:09
Minimum humidity 67% on 04 at 11:02
Maximum pressure 1011.6 hPa on 04 at 07:02
Minimum pressure 1007.1 hPa on 04 at 16:01
Maximum windspeed 14.8 km/h on 04 at 19:09
Maximum gust speed 48.1 km/h from 198°(SSW) on 04 at 14:11
Maximum heat index 47.0°C on 04 at 11:03

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5 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.9°C
Average humidity 87%
Average dewpoint 24.6°C
Average barometer 1007.2 hPa
Average windspeed 4.8 km/h
Average gustspeed 8.7 km/h
Average direction 207° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 42.3 mm
Rainfall for year 507.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute 9.6 mm on 05 at 15:02
Maximum temperature 30.2°C on 05 at 14:03
Minimum temperature 24.6°C on 05 at 15:06
Maximum humidity 95% on 05 at 05:07
Minimum humidity 78% on 05 at 14:07
Maximum pressure 1008.6 hPa on 05 at 00:01
Minimum pressure 1005.8 hPa on 05 at 14:09
Maximum windspeed 14.4 km/h on 05 at 14:01
Maximum gust speed 37.0 km/h from 213°(SSW) on 05 at 15:01
Maximum heat index 37.7°C on 05 at 13:11

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6 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.3°C
Average humidity 84%
Average dewpoint 25.3°C
Average barometer 1007.5 hPa
Average windspeed 2.8 km/h
Average gustspeed 6.1 km/h
Average direction 205° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 42.3 mm
Rainfall for year 507.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 06 at 23:07
Maximum temperature 32.0°C on 06 at 15:04
Minimum temperature 25.1°C on 06 at 23:00
Maximum humidity 92% on 06 at 03:00
Minimum humidity 72% on 06 at 15:06
Maximum pressure 1009.4 hPa on 06 at 22:09
Minimum pressure 1005.8 hPa on 06 at 04:11
Maximum windspeed 14.8 km/h on 06 at 12:09
Maximum gust speed 27.8 km/h from 222°(SW) on 06 at 14:10
Maximum heat index 41.3°C on 06 at 15:04

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7 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 29.2°C
Average humidity 81%
Average dewpoint 25.4°C
Average barometer 1008.1 hPa
Average windspeed 5.1 km/h
Average gustspeed 11.0 km/h
Average direction 11° (N)
Rainfall for month 75.6 mm
Rainfall for year 540.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 7.5 mm on 07 at 16:10
Maximum temperature 34.9°C on 07 at 14:07
Minimum temperature 24.7°C on 07 at 23:07
Maximum humidity 95% on 07 at 18:00
Minimum humidity 64% on 07 at 11:03
Maximum pressure 1010.0 hPa on 07 at 21:03
Minimum pressure 1005.8 hPa on 07 at 15:07
Maximum windspeed 23.5 km/h on 07 at 14:07
Maximum gust speed 61.1 km/h from 337°(NNW) on 07 at 14:04
Maximum heat index 48.9°C on 07 at 14:03

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8 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 29.4°C
Average humidity 79%
Average dewpoint 25.2°C
Average barometer 1007.8 hPa
Average windspeed 7.6 km/h
Average gustspeed 15.6 km/h
Average direction 203° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 100.5 mm
Rainfall for year 565.5 mm
Maximum rain per minute 8.7 mm on 08 at 23:01
Maximum temperature 34.6°C on 08 at 14:06
Minimum temperature 24.5°C on 08 at 23:07
Maximum humidity 96% on 08 at 23:07
Minimum humidity 67% on 08 at 15:10
Maximum pressure 1010.5 hPa on 08 at 22:10
Minimum pressure 1004.9 hPa on 08 at 15:09
Maximum windspeed 25.5 km/h on 08 at 16:02
Maximum gust speed 72.2 km/h from 205°(SSW) on 08 at 14:01
Maximum heat index 47.5°C on 08 at 14:08

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9 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.2°C
Average humidity 85%
Average dewpoint 25.4°C
Average barometer 1008.1 hPa
Average windspeed 5.5 km/h
Average gustspeed 11.3 km/h
Average direction 208° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 110.1 mm
Rainfall for year 575.1 mm
Maximum rain per minute 5.1 mm on 09 at 15:02
Maximum temperature 33.7°C on 09 at 13:07
Minimum temperature 23.9°C on 09 at 00:04
Maximum humidity 96% on 09 at 00:02
Minimum humidity 71% on 09 at 11:00
Maximum pressure 1010.0 hPa on 09 at 22:01
Minimum pressure 1006.2 hPa on 09 at 15:09
Maximum windspeed 30.2 km/h on 09 at 13:11
Maximum gust speed 81.4 km/h from 201°(SSW) on 09 at 13:10
Maximum heat index 46.7°C on 09 at 13:07

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10 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.6°C
Average humidity 84%
Average dewpoint 25.6°C
Average barometer 1008.9 hPa
Average windspeed 5.0 km/h
Average gustspeed 10.9 km/h
Average direction 202° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 116.4 mm
Rainfall for year 581.4 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.6 mm on 10 at 03:04
Maximum temperature 32.0°C on 10 at 14:06
Minimum temperature 24.8°C on 10 at 11:11
Maximum humidity 94% on 10 at 06:01
Minimum humidity 73% on 10 at 17:06
Maximum pressure 1011.3 hPa on 10 at 08:08
Minimum pressure 1006.0 hPa on 10 at 15:03
Maximum windspeed 16.5 km/h on 10 at 13:06
Maximum gust speed 40.7 km/h from 200°(SSW) on 10 at 21:03
Maximum heat index 42.6°C on 10 at 14:05

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11 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.3°C
Average humidity 85%
Average dewpoint 25.5°C
Average barometer 1007.6 hPa
Average windspeed 5.2 km/h
Average gustspeed 10.6 km/h
Average direction 209° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 184.2 mm
Rainfall for year 649.2 mm
Maximum rain per minute 20.1 mm on 11 at 01:03
Maximum temperature 33.0°C on 11 at 14:01
Minimum temperature 24.2°C on 11 at 01:11
Maximum humidity 97% on 11 at 05:05
Minimum humidity 73% on 11 at 13:09
Maximum pressure 1009.7 hPa on 11 at 01:04
Minimum pressure 1004.7 hPa on 11 at 16:01
Maximum windspeed 26.8 km/h on 11 at 16:00
Maximum gust speed 61.1 km/h from 220°(SW) on 11 at 15:07
Maximum heat index 45.3°C on 11 at 14:01

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12 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 29.2°C
Average humidity 83%
Average dewpoint 26.0°C
Average barometer 1005.5 hPa
Average windspeed 7.0 km/h
Average gustspeed 13.2 km/h
Average direction 197° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 184.5 mm
Rainfall for year 649.5 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.3 mm on 12 at 23:07
Maximum temperature 33.1°C on 12 at 15:00
Minimum temperature 25.6°C on 12 at 17:09
Maximum humidity 91% on 12 at 06:00
Minimum humidity 74% on 12 at 15:00
Maximum pressure 1007.8 hPa on 12 at 00:02
Minimum pressure 1003.0 hPa on 12 at 14:09
Maximum windspeed 21.1 km/h on 12 at 15:07
Maximum gust speed 57.4 km/h from 058°(ENE) on 12 at 20:05
Maximum heat index 45.6°C on 12 at 15:00

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13 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 29.7°C
Average humidity 80%
Average dewpoint 25.8°C
Average barometer 1005.0 hPa
Average windspeed 4.3 km/h
Average gustspeed 10.1 km/h
Average direction 168° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 184.5 mm
Rainfall for year 649.5 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 13 at 23:07
Maximum temperature 33.2°C on 13 at 14:03
Minimum temperature 24.6°C on 13 at 22:07
Maximum humidity 92% on 13 at 04:09
Minimum humidity 71% on 13 at 14:03
Maximum pressure 1007.3 hPa on 13 at 22:08
Minimum pressure 1002.8 hPa on 13 at 16:02
Maximum windspeed 11.1 km/h on 13 at 13:07
Maximum gust speed 51.8 km/h from 351°(N) on 13 at 13:07
Maximum heat index 44.6°C on 13 at 14:03

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14 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 30.2°C
Average humidity 77%
Average dewpoint 25.6°C
Average barometer 1006.1 hPa
Average windspeed 4.9 km/h
Average gustspeed 11.4 km/h
Average direction 29° (NNE)
Rainfall for month 184.5 mm
Rainfall for year 649.5 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 14 at 23:07
Maximum temperature 35.4°C on 14 at 13:02
Minimum temperature 27.1°C on 14 at 06:00
Maximum humidity 85% on 14 at 06:00
Minimum humidity 64% on 14 at 13:05
Maximum pressure 1007.8 hPa on 14 at 22:08
Minimum pressure 1004.2 hPa on 14 at 15:09
Maximum windspeed 19.4 km/h on 14 at 15:07
Maximum gust speed 64.8 km/h from 015°(NNE) on 14 at 14:10
Maximum heat index 48.9°C on 14 at 13:02

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15 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 27.9°C
Average humidity 86%
Average dewpoint 25.2°C
Average barometer 1007.1 hPa
Average windspeed 3.7 km/h
Average gustspeed 8.1 km/h
Average direction 3° (N)
Rainfall for month 222.3 mm
Rainfall for year 687.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute 12.0 mm on 15 at 15:10
Maximum temperature 32.2°C on 15 at 15:00
Minimum temperature 22.9°C on 15 at 19:04
Maximum humidity 96% on 15 at 23:00
Minimum humidity 73% on 15 at 12:06
Maximum pressure 1009.1 hPa on 15 at 21:07
Minimum pressure 1004.5 hPa on 15 at 15:07
Maximum windspeed 12.4 km/h on 15 at 14:06
Maximum gust speed 48.1 km/h from 323°(NW) on 15 at 14:11
Maximum heat index 42.6°C on 15 at 15:00

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16 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 29.8°C
Average humidity 78%
Average dewpoint 25.4°C
Average barometer 1007.6 hPa
Average windspeed 8.1 km/h
Average gustspeed 16.9 km/h
Average direction 203° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 222.3 mm
Rainfall for year 687.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 16 at 23:07
Maximum temperature 34.8°C on 16 at 12:03
Minimum temperature 24.5°C on 16 at 06:01
Maximum humidity 95% on 16 at 03:01
Minimum humidity 63% on 16 at 16:07
Maximum pressure 1010.0 hPa on 16 at 22:06
Minimum pressure 1005.8 hPa on 16 at 14:10
Maximum windspeed 27.8 km/h on 16 at 13:06
Maximum gust speed 85.1 km/h from 212°(SSW) on 16 at 16:01
Maximum heat index 46.9°C on 16 at 12:03

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17 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.4°C
Average humidity 83%
Average dewpoint 25.2°C
Average barometer 1008.0 hPa
Average windspeed 5.2 km/h
Average gustspeed 10.0 km/h
Average direction 210° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 235.5 mm
Rainfall for year 700.5 mm
Maximum rain per minute 3.9 mm on 17 at 13:10
Maximum temperature 31.4°C on 17 at 10:01
Minimum temperature 26.1°C on 17 at 14:06
Maximum humidity 93% on 17 at 14:03
Minimum humidity 75% on 17 at 12:01
Maximum pressure 1009.4 hPa on 17 at 00:06
Minimum pressure 1006.7 hPa on 17 at 16:07
Maximum windspeed 16.1 km/h on 17 at 16:00
Maximum gust speed 64.8 km/h from 214°(SW) on 17 at 13:03
Maximum heat index 40.4°C on 17 at 10:01

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18 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 27.8°C
Average humidity 87%
Average dewpoint 25.3°C
Average barometer 1006.9 hPa
Average windspeed 6.0 km/h
Average gustspeed 12.0 km/h
Average direction 211° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 237.6 mm
Rainfall for year 702.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.6 mm on 18 at 14:07
Maximum temperature 30.3°C on 18 at 15:05
Minimum temperature 25.1°C on 18 at 07:08
Maximum humidity 94% on 18 at 05:00
Minimum humidity 80% on 18 at 16:06
Maximum pressure 1008.6 hPa on 18 at 00:03
Minimum pressure 1004.6 hPa on 18 at 15:10
Maximum windspeed 14.4 km/h on 18 at 08:00
Maximum gust speed 37.0 km/h from 229°(SW) on 18 at 11:08
Maximum heat index 38.6°C on 18 at 15:05

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19 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.9°C
Average humidity 84%
Average dewpoint 25.8°C
Average barometer 1005.8 hPa
Average windspeed 8.7 km/h
Average gustspeed 17.0 km/h
Average direction 211° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 246.6 mm
Rainfall for year 711.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 3.0 mm on 19 at 18:04
Maximum temperature 34.3°C on 19 at 14:04
Minimum temperature 26.0°C on 19 at 05:07
Maximum humidity 95% on 19 at 19:03
Minimum humidity 67% on 19 at 14:06
Maximum pressure 1008.3 hPa on 19 at 22:01
Minimum pressure 1003.2 hPa on 19 at 15:04
Maximum windspeed 25.0 km/h on 19 at 18:01
Maximum gust speed 72.2 km/h from 214°(SW) on 19 at 17:05
Maximum heat index 46.3°C on 19 at 14:04

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20 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 29.3°C
Average humidity 81%
Average dewpoint 25.6°C
Average barometer 1007.5 hPa
Average windspeed 10.6 km/h
Average gustspeed 18.3 km/h
Average direction 209° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 246.6 mm
Rainfall for year 711.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on 20 at 23:07
Maximum temperature 32.2°C on 20 at 12:01
Minimum temperature 26.6°C on 20 at 05:07
Maximum humidity 90% on 20 at 02:06
Minimum humidity 74% on 20 at 12:00
Maximum pressure 1009.6 hPa on 20 at 22:07
Minimum pressure 1006.1 hPa on 20 at 03:09
Maximum windspeed 29.0 km/h on 20 at 13:03
Maximum gust speed 68.5 km/h from 169°(SSE) on 20 at 12:05
Maximum heat index 42.8°C on 20 at 12:01

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21 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.1°C
Average humidity 86%
Average dewpoint 25.6°C
Average barometer 1007.1 hPa
Average windspeed 8.5 km/h
Average gustspeed 15.9 km/h
Average direction 189° (S)
Rainfall for month 254.4 mm
Rainfall for year 719.4 mm
Maximum rain per minute 1.2 mm on 21 at 16:10
Maximum temperature 30.8°C on 21 at 11:01
Minimum temperature 26.0°C on 21 at 17:07
Maximum humidity 94% on 21 at 17:03
Minimum humidity 78% on 21 at 08:07
Maximum pressure 1008.7 hPa on 21 at 00:06
Minimum pressure 1005.8 hPa on 21 at 03:09
Maximum windspeed 35.2 km/h on 21 at 16:06
Maximum gust speed 85.1 km/h from 186°(S) on 21 at 16:00
Maximum heat index 40.6°C on 21 at 11:01

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22 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.5°C
Average humidity 92%
Average dewpoint 25.1°C
Average barometer 1005.5 hPa
Average windspeed 17.7 km/h
Average gustspeed 30.4 km/h
Average direction 187° (S)
Rainfall for month 303.3 mm
Rainfall for year 768.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute 6.3 mm on 22 at 19:08
Maximum temperature 29.2°C on 22 at 10:04
Minimum temperature 24.7°C on 22 at 23:00
Maximum humidity 98% on 22 at 23:07
Minimum humidity 83% on 22 at 10:01
Maximum pressure 1006.9 hPa on 22 at 00:01
Minimum pressure 1003.9 hPa on 22 at 16:09
Maximum windspeed 47.7 km/h on 22 at 11:08
Maximum gust speed 109.2 km/h from 153°(SSE) on 22 at 11:01
Maximum heat index 36.4°C on 22 at 10:04

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23 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 26.1°C
Average humidity 94%
Average dewpoint 25.0°C
Average barometer 1003.6 hPa
Average windspeed 28.1 km/h
Average gustspeed 46.2 km/h
Average direction 195° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 386.1 mm
Rainfall for year 851.1 mm
Maximum rain per minute 10.5 mm on 23 at 10:09
Maximum temperature 30.9°C on 23 at 18:10
Minimum temperature 24.6°C on 23 at 07:11
Maximum humidity 99% on 23 at 12:00
Minimum humidity 86% on 23 at 09:11
Maximum pressure 1004.9 hPa on 23 at 00:05
Minimum pressure 1001.7 hPa on 23 at 14:09
Maximum windspeed 46.3 km/h on 23 at 21:02
Maximum gust speed 105.5 km/h from 201°(SSW) on 23 at 07:07
Maximum heat index 34.9°C on 23 at 09:11

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24 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 25.2°C
Average humidity 96%
Average dewpoint 24.4°C
Average barometer 1002.7 hPa
Average windspeed 12.5 km/h
Average gustspeed 23.4 km/h
Average direction 209° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 972.9 mm
Rainfall for year 1437.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 27.9 mm on 24 at 08:02
Maximum temperature 28.4°C on 24 at 21:01
Minimum temperature 23.0°C on 24 at 13:01
Maximum humidity 99% on 24 at 15:05
Minimum humidity 86% on 24 at 21:06
Maximum pressure 1004.0 hPa on 24 at 12:03
Minimum pressure 1001.2 hPa on 24 at 23:05
Maximum windspeed 30.3 km/h on 24 at 22:00
Maximum gust speed 81.4 km/h from 207°(SSW) on 24 at 14:03
Maximum heat index 34.4°C on 24 at 21:01

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25 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.6°C
Average humidity 85%
Average dewpoint 25.9°C
Average barometer 1002.1 hPa
Average windspeed 33.8 km/h
Average gustspeed 55.9 km/h
Average direction 205° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 993.0 mm
Rainfall for year 1458.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute 6.9 mm on 25 at 06:08
Maximum temperature 30.5°C on 25 at 12:07
Minimum temperature 25.3°C on 25 at 07:01
Maximum humidity 96% on 25 at 07:00
Minimum humidity 80% on 25 at 16:00
Maximum pressure 1004.8 hPa on 25 at 22:02
Minimum pressure 999.9 hPa on 25 at 02:01
Maximum windspeed 47.7 km/h on 25 at 16:02
Maximum gust speed 120.3 km/h from 224°(SW) on 25 at 06:10
Maximum heat index 39.6°C on 25 at 12:07

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26 July Average and Extremes
Average temperature 28.8°C
Average humidity 82%
Average dewpoint 25.4°C
Average barometer 1006.0 hPa
Average windspeed 16.0 km/h
Average gustspeed 27.6 km/h
Average direction 148° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 998.1 mm
Rainfall for year 1463.1 mm
Maximum rain per minute 1.5 mm on 26 at 02:08
Maximum temperature 32.6°C on 26 at 13:03
Minimum temperature 24.6°C on 26 at 07:03
Maximum humidity 94% on 26 at 08:01
Minimum humidity 75% on 26 at 15:03
Maximum pressure 1009.1 hPa on 26 at 23:00
Minimum pressure 1003.5 hPa on 26 at 03:07
Maximum windspeed 41.3 km/h on 26 at 14:11
Maximum gust speed 75.9 km/h from 118°(ESE) on 26 at 12:07
Maximum heat index 44.3°C on 26 at 13:03

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Average and Extremes for Month of July 2024 up to day 26
Average temperature 28.5°C
Average humidity 84%
Average dewpoint 25.4°C
Average barometer 1007.0 hPa
Average windspeed 8.6 km/h
Average gustspeed 16.2 km/h
Average direction 198° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 976.8 mm
Rainfall for year 1432.2 mm
Maximum rain per minute 27.9 mm on 24 at 08:02
Maximum temperature 35.9°C on 03 at 14:10
Minimum temperature 22.9°C on 15 at 19:04
Maximum humidity 99% on 24 at 15:05
Minimum humidity 60% on 03 at 15:01
Maximum pressure 1012.4 hPa on 03 at 22:06
Minimum pressure 999.9 hPa on 25 at 02:01
Maximum windspeed 47.7 kmh from 168°(SSE) on 25 at 16:02
Maximum gust speed 120.3 km/h from 225°(SW) on 25 at 06:10
Maximum heat index 48.9°C on 14 at 13:02
Avg daily max temp 32.6°C
Avg daily min temp 25.1°C
Growing degrees days437.2 GDD

Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV
01 01:24hrs ET :1.9 mm 843.7 W/mē 12.0 uv
02 02:18hrs ET :2.3 mm 905.8 W/mē 13.0 uv
03 02:24hrs ET :3.1 mm 924.0 W/mē 14.0 uv
04 01:42hrs ET :2.4 mm 921.8 W/mē 14.0 uv
05 01:18hrs ET :1.3 mm 526.5 W/mē 7.0 uv
06 01:00hrs ET :1.4 mm 589.9 W/mē 8.0 uv
07 02:12hrs ET :2.8 mm 932.2 W/mē 14.0 uv
08 02:00hrs ET :2.8 mm 879.2 W/mē 13.0 uv
09 01:42hrs ET :1.9 mm 849.7 W/mē 12.0 uv
10 01:42hrs ET :1.6 mm 665.9 W/mē 9.0 uv
11 01:18hrs ET :1.8 mm 761.7 W/mē 11.0 uv
12 01:48hrs ET :2.0 mm 822.0 W/mē 12.0 uv
13 02:12hrs ET :1.9 mm 855.9 W/mē 12.0 uv
14 01:42hrs ET :2.4 mm 816.3 W/mē 12.0 uv
15 00:54hrs ET :1.5 mm 625.0 W/mē 9.0 uv
16 02:00hrs ET :2.9 mm 1005.1 W/mē 15.0 uv
17 02:06hrs ET :1.9 mm 859.8 W/mē 12.0 uv
18 00:18hrs ET :1.3 mm 361.7 W/mē 4.0 uv
19 01:24hrs ET :2.6 mm 1048.1 W/mē 16.0 uv
20 02:06hrs ET :2.6 mm 851.1 W/mē 12.0 uv
21 01:00hrs ET :1.7 mm 592.1 W/mē 8.0 uv
22 01:30hrs ET :1.8 mm 670.2 W/mē 9.0 uv
23 01:30hrs ET :2.2 mm 422.9 W/mē 5.0 uv
24 00:00hrs ET :0.9 mm 44.6 W/mē 0.0 uv
25 01:24hrs ET :2.7 mm 792.1 W/mē 11.0 uv
26 01:48hrs ET :2.9 mm 831.2 W/mē 12.0 uv

Daily Rain Totals
00.6 mm on 1
23.1 mm on 2
00.6 mm on 4
18.0 mm on 5
33.3 mm on 7
24.9 mm on 8
09.6 mm on 9
06.3 mm on 10
67.8 mm on 11
00.3 mm on 12
37.8 mm on 15
13.2 mm on 17
02.1 mm on 18
09.0 mm on 19
07.8 mm on 21
48.9 mm on 22
82.8 mm on 23
586.8 mm on 24
20.1 mm on 25